• okass 在版块 macOS | iOS 平台 中发起了话题 Final Cut Pro Template Installation Instructions 2年, 6个月前

    Final Cut Pro Template Installation Instructions


    1. If you do not have Apple Motion Installed and only FCPx

    Right click on the application icon and select “show package contents” thenfollow the path below and place the downloaded product in the correct folder.

    /Applications/Final Cut Pro/Contents/PlugIns/MediaProviders/MotionEffect.fxp/Contents/Resources/Templates/

    put the downloaded template in the correct category:

    – Effects
    – Generators
    – Titles
    – Transitions


    2. If you have Apple Motion Installed in your Mac.

    Please go to your home folder and place the product downloaded in the titles or

    generator folder.

    /Movies/Motion Templates/

    put the downloaded template in the correct category:

    – Effects
    – Generators
    – Titles
    – Transitions
