okass 在版块 IT技术 中回复了话题 Linux软件生态探讨 3年, 3个月前
1> DaVinci Resolve GPU Memory Full
Here’s how to fix the DaVinci Resolve GPU Memory Full issue in DaVinci Resolve 17:
- Go to the menu “DaVinci Resolve” -> “Preferences” -> “System” -> “Memory and GPU” -> “GPU Configuration” -> against “GPU Processing Mode” uncheck “Auto” and select “CUDA” instead of “OpenCL”.
Against “GPU Selection”, uncheck “Auto” and manually select the available Nvidia card in your system.
Restart DaVinci Resolve.
This should get rid of the error.
If the above fix doesn’t work, then try this work-around:
- Try to reduce the timeline resolution to 1920 x 1080p (if you were using 4K UHD = 3840 x 2160), by clicking on the “Project Settings” (bottom right hand corner cog wheel).
Click on “Master Settings” -> “Timeline Resolution” -> “1920 x 1080 HD” or “1280 x 1080 HD”. (Before delivering, you have the option to render in 4K UHD).
- Go to the menu “DaVinci Resolve” -> “Preferences” -> “System” -> “Memory and GPU” -> “GPU Configuration” -> against “GPU Processing Mode” uncheck “Auto” and select “CUDA” instead of “OpenCL”.
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